Test Bank is a collaborative tool that helps students prepare for their exams.  It is constantly updated with new material on a weekly basis.

To Obtain Test Bank Access
In order to receive access to the test bank, you MUST submit at least two exams each semester from any ENCE or ENES classes, and pay your $15 semester dues. This means if you submitted exams for the fall semester you will NOT have access for the spring semester until you submit 2 exams. The grades on the exams are not important. If you are a freshman or transfer student, you may be excused from the exam requirement for your first semester.

*Note – We understand that some students have limited physical copies of exams since many are administered online. Students experiencing this issue may email the test bank to inquire about a waiver.

To Submit Exams
1. Scan exams into separate PDF files. Make sure to have each PDF exam file labeled as follows: classID_Professor_SemesterYear 
For example, ENCE432 taken with Dr. Brubaker in Fall 2023 would be labeled as ENCE432_Brubaker_Fall2023 

2. Send an e-mail to ascetestbank@gmail.com with PDF exam files as attachments, make sure to include your name and UID in the body of the email.

3. Plan accordingly and get exams in sooner rather than later. Access to the test bank will be given via TerpLink approximately once a week. You will be able to access the test bank on the TerpLink page under “Files” after your exams have been processed.